Personally I think 100k per week is too much for Front page reviews. I understand why it's this amount but even if 200k I wouldn't do them: I don't have the time or the inclination. I only read what is said about my team and the final part anyway.
I used to read all of Andrew McCumskey s and Rhys Briesden's (sp?) however.
Somebody made a quip about Alon's EPL predictions and the participation he gets. Well the last 3 were only 20, 25 and 30k for what I assume is two posts per week.
As for Journals I only read a couple if they're in my division. Most I ignore. I sometimes find them a chore to do - last season I was "on it" but this season less so. There's only so many ways to be pissed off at RNG (formerly Olmec) and I'm not going to repeat myself on how good Ball Control is.
I do read all Blog posts fully (apart from EPL as I don't do it) and I think my participation is as high as it is because of replying to Blog posts.
Participation makes a big difference: if you're an average Div 2 or 3 team who doesn't bother then you get 150k per weekend. If you're a participating Div 1 team with a decent morale bonus that could easily be 275k per weekend.
I agree with James, Alon and Eduard.