| Mark Boland (DUU) | No | |
| Bill Nicholl (CEL) | No | How would you control it? Surely you need to reset the totals at some time? or you could have players missing 7 games when they reach 70 disciplinary points, and so on. |
| Eduard Habermann (DEE) | No | |
| Andrew Foss-Grant (MOT) | Yes | Yes but No but Yes But No But Yes...oh I dont know ! |
| Rob Lye (ROS) | Yes | match suspension to be carried forward, not DP |
| James Tucker (RR) | Yes | No real penalty for ultra hardness on the last session of the season.So yes a carry over is a good idea |
| Andrew McCumiskey (SRA) | Yes | makes sense, although sounds like manual task. |
| David Campbell (KIL) | Yes | |
| David Blair (HIB) | No | |
| Ricky Hawthorn (STE) | Yes | |
| Daniel Roseblade (DFA) | No | yes,... should carry forward injured player |
| Marc Legowski (PT) | Yes | |
| Raymond Cini (CLY) | Yes | Suspensions, DP, extra lashings, castrations...the fullest extent of the law for these repeat offenders! |
| Roy Rolsten (STI) | Yes | |
| Lee Elkins (CB) | No | I know I probably voted differently in last poll, but I'm coming around to clean slate for each new season. |
| Steve Turner (ALO) | Yes | Definately should carry forward. |
| Derek Purvis (BER) | Yes | |
| William Bushby (EDI) | Yes | I also think EL needs to be looked at to stop everyone just playing T11 the last few games and make EL managment go to the wire like everything else. |
| Dave Smyth (HEA) | Yes | |
| Willy Krosnyak (FOR) | Yes | |
| John McCarthy (LIV) | No | |
| Colin Scott (DUM) | No | |
| Matthew White (SM) | Yes | |
| Stephen Williams (PET) | Yes | maybe |
| Arnold Yzermans (QOS) | Yes | |
| Alan Bishop (COW) | No | |
| Steve Gregory (COV) | No | |
| James White (MON) | No | |
| Richard Burnett (NAI) | Yes | |
| Paul Cockayne (EF) | Yes | That way teams won't go for dirty in their last match(es) without realising the consequences. |
| Matt Cooper (ALB) | Yes | Seems fair. |
| Josh Fitzgerald (INV) | No | Start with a clean slate. |