| Willy Krosnyak (FOR) | QOS: Arnold (starting top17 1st) | |
| Fran Morillo (BRE) | QOS: Arnold (starting top17 1st) | |
| Andrew McCumiskey (SRA) | QOS: Arnold (starting top17 1st) | |
| James White (MON) | AI: Leon (starting top17 14th) | Promotion from the play-offs after a long hard season with little expectation of success. |
| Steve Turner (ALO) | QOS: Arnold (starting top17 1st) | |
| Tyron Barnard (EST) | AI: Leon (starting top17 14th) | |
| Leon Permentier (DEV) | STE: Ricky (starting top17 11th) | Great performance and (luckily) knocked us out the cup |
| Matt Cooper (ALB) | QOS: Arnold (starting top17 1st) | |
| Stephen Williams (PET) | STE: Ricky (starting top17 11th) | Go on,I'll give it for the overachiement of promotion |
| Paul Cockayne (EF) | AI: Leon (starting top17 14th) | I usually go for the champions but QOS were favourites - AI got promoted with the 3rd worst T17…. |
| Andrew Foss-Grant (MOT) | QOS: Arnold (starting top17 1st) | Consistent all season and deserved champions. Almost chose STE - they did not look like an automatic promotion side at the start, but shrewd trades and auction bids seem to have turned the tide |
| John McCarthy (LIV) | STE: Ricky (starting top17 11th) | |
| Cameron Archibald (ARB) | other please specify who | David at EF - for contribution and achieving the aim of not going up :) |
| Steve Gregory (COV) | QOS: Arnold (starting top17 1st) | |
| Les Lithgo (HAM) | AI: Leon (starting top17 14th) | QOS will win, but Leon started and finished with poor T17 but got AI promoted |
| Bill Ramsay (RAN) | QOS: Arnold (starting top17 1st) | |
| Alon Atie (FRA) | QOS: Arnold (starting top17 1st) | |
| Bill Nicholl (CEL) | AI: Leon (starting top17 14th) | over achieved by miles. Arnold did great and Craig lit up the blogs each week too |
| Daniel Roseblade (DFA) | QOS: Arnold (starting top17 1st) | |
| Bryce Kalmbach (QP) | QOS: Arnold (starting top17 1st) | |
| Paul Roseblade (AYR) | QOS: Arnold (starting top17 1st) | |
| Rob Lye (ROS) | QOS: Arnold (starting top17 1st) | |
| Kevin Hull (AI) | ARB: Craig (starting top17 5th) | |
| Colin Scott (DUM) | QOS: Arnold (starting top17 1st) | |
| Dave Smyth (HEA) | AI: Leon (starting top17 14th) | AI, STE, QOS |