| Daniel Fitzgerald (ANN) | Barcelona | |
| Andrew McCumiskey (SRA) | Ajax | They are the cleanest team! |
| Kevin Hull (AI) | Ajax | They stopped Ronaldo, they can stop Messi as well!
| Richard Burnett (NAI) | Liverpool | why not! |
| James White (MON) | Barcelona | |
| Cameron Archibald (ARB) | Barcelona | |
| Andy Shaw (FAL) | Barcelona | |
| Lee Elkins (CB) | Ajax | |
| Bryce Kalmbach (QP) | Barcelona | |
| Tyron Barnard (EST) | Barcelona | |
| Steve Gregory (COV) | Barcelona | I would love Liverpool to win it or if not Ajax but I think Messi will win it on his own. |
| Matt Cooper (ALB) | Tottenham | |
| Josh Fitzgerald (INV) | Ajax | Love the underdog. |
| Steve Turner (ALO) | Barcelona | |
| Leon Permentier (DEV) | Barcelona | I don't watch but surely a no brainer |
| Ricky Hawthorn (STE) | Barcelona | |
| Mark Creasey (STJ) | Ajax | Like an underdog. But Barca prob will win |
| James Tucker (RR) | Ajax | |
| Stephen Williams (PET) | Barcelona | Well that's embarrassing |
| Willy Krosnyak (FOR) | Liverpool | |
| Alon Atie (FRA) | Liverpool | |
| Paul Roseblade (AYR) | Liverpool | |
| Derek Purvis (BER) | Liverpool | |
| Daniel Roseblade (DFA) | Tottenham | Be typical football if Liverpool won nothing after such a great season |
| John McCarthy (LIV) | Liverpool | |
| David Blair (HIB) | Liverpool | Surely |
| Colin Scott (DUM) | Liverpool | |
| Eduard Habermann (DEE) | Liverpool | I reckon Liverpool will beat Tottenham 2-0 in the final. |
| Dave Smyth (HEA) | Liverpool | Maybe 2-0 in final |