| Stephen Williams (PET) | A fun feature for most teams | |
| Matt Cooper (ALB) | A fun feature for most teams | |
| Matthew White (SM) | A fun feature for most teams | |
| David Campbell (KIL) | A fun feature for most teams | Plenty teams bidding, but maybe a couple of 750k top pay outs achievable for lower ranked teams? |
| James White (MON) | A fun feature for most teams | Great idea and more teams could benefit from bidding in it, keep it going |
| Eduard Habermann (DEE) | A fun feature for most teams | An extra dimension that is quite fun... |
| Alan Bishop (COW) | A fun feature for most teams | |
| Kevin Hull (AI) | A fun feature for most teams | |
| Steve Gregory (COV) | A fun feature for most teams | It gives something else to aim for especially if you know you won't be troubling the top teams |
| Cameron Archibald (ARB) | A fun feature for most teams | 75% of teams bidding this season. I like it. |
| Andrew McCumiskey (SRA) | other: (comment a new sponsor option) | Should have a second round of unsold sponsorship to teams that did not win anything first time. |
| Tyron Barnard (EST) | A fun feature for most teams | |
| William Bushby (EDI) | other: (comment a new sponsor option) | Quite good, but I would prefer if there were as many lots as there are teams and some of the lots have minimum bid levels. |
| Willy Krosnyak (FOR) | A fun feature for most teams | |
| James Tucker (RR) | other: (comment a new sponsor option) | Not my favourite part of the game but cannot get over exercised on it. Should be done prior to the season starting tho. |
| Leon Permentier (DEV) | A fun feature for most teams | |
| Josh Fitzgerald (INV) | other: (comment a new sponsor option) | Ok, not the games greatest feature. |
| Daniel Fitzgerald (ANN) | A fun feature for most teams | |
| Dave Smyth (HEA) | A fun feature for most teams | Seems well supported by clubs |
| Bill Ramsay (RAN) | A fun feature for most teams | |
| Paul Roseblade (AYR) | A fun feature for most teams | |
| Derek Purvis (BER) | A fun feature for most teams | |
| Lee Elkins (CB) | other: (comment a new sponsor option) | Haven't entered last couple of seasons as seems pointless when your team is poo. Some bargains to be had though |
| Ricky Hawthorn (STE) | A fun feature for most teams | |
| Andy Shaw (FAL) | A fun feature for most teams | |
| Steve Turner (ALO) | A fun feature for most teams | Extra cash to aim for |
| Les Lithgo (HAM) | other: (comment a new sponsor option) | Not sure it's "fun", but it works ok. |
| Daniel Roseblade (DFA) | A fun feature for most teams | |
| David Blair (HIB) | A fun feature for most teams | |
| Alon Atie (FRA) | A fun feature for most teams | |
| Fran Morillo (BRE) | A fun feature for most teams | |
| Richard Burnett (NAI) | A fun feature for most teams | |