Match 43 Due Wed, Jun 05: 1500 GMT    
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 RULES 2024: click here for Scottish Electronic Soccer League: Season 56 wiki rules courtesy of Andrew SRA
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Poll Results: What is your opinion of team sponsors in SESL?
A fun feature for most teams26
other: (comment a new sponsor option)6

Stephen Williams (PET)A fun feature for most teams   
Matt Cooper (ALB)A fun feature for most teams   
Matthew White (SM)A fun feature for most teams   
David Campbell (KIL)A fun feature for most teams  Plenty teams bidding, but maybe a couple of 750k top pay outs achievable for lower ranked teams? 
James White (MON)A fun feature for most teams  Great idea and more teams could benefit from bidding in it, keep it going 
Eduard Habermann (DEE)A fun feature for most teams  An extra dimension that is quite fun... 
Alan Bishop (COW)A fun feature for most teams   
Kevin Hull (AI)A fun feature for most teams   
Steve Gregory (COV)A fun feature for most teams  It gives something else to aim for especially if you know you won't be troubling the top teams 
Cameron Archibald (ARB)A fun feature for most teams  75% of teams bidding this season. I like it.  
Andrew McCumiskey (SRA)other: (comment a new sponsor option)  Should have a second round of unsold sponsorship to teams that did not win anything first time. 
Tyron Barnard (EST)A fun feature for most teams   
William Bushby (EDI)other: (comment a new sponsor option)  Quite good, but I would prefer if there were as many lots as there are teams and some of the lots have minimum bid levels.  
Willy Krosnyak (FOR)A fun feature for most teams   
James Tucker (RR)other: (comment a new sponsor option)  Not my favourite part of the game but cannot get over exercised on it. Should be done prior to the season starting tho. 
Leon Permentier (DEV)A fun feature for most teams   
Josh Fitzgerald (INV)other: (comment a new sponsor option)  Ok, not the games greatest feature.  
Daniel Fitzgerald (ANN)A fun feature for most teams   
Dave Smyth (HEA)A fun feature for most teams  Seems well supported by clubs 
Bill Ramsay (RAN)A fun feature for most teams    
Paul Roseblade (AYR)A fun feature for most teams   
Derek Purvis (BER)A fun feature for most teams   
Mike Hernandez (CB)other: (comment a new sponsor option)  Haven't entered last couple of seasons as seems pointless when your team is poo. Some bargains to be had though 
Ricky Hawthorn (STE)A fun feature for most teams   
Andy Shaw (FAL)A fun feature for most teams   
Steve Turner (ALO)A fun feature for most teams  Extra cash to aim for 
Les Lithgo (HAM)other: (comment a new sponsor option)  Not sure it's "fun", but it works ok. 
Daniel Roseblade (DFA)A fun feature for most teams   
David Blair (HIB)A fun feature for most teams   
Alon Atie (FRA)A fun feature for most teams   
Fran Morillo (BRE)A fun feature for most teams   
Richard Burnett (NAI)A fun feature for most teams   

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