Matches 33, 34 Due Sat, Mar 01: 1500 GMT    
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Poll Results: Half the teams have less than 4 OTF, so is One Touch Football effective in SESL?
Yes OTF effective, no change.15
Change it: maybe 1CP to increase OTF10
No, prefer to CP star player than OTF4
Other: please specify what1

Richard Burnett (NAI)Yes OTF effective, no change.  It can be very effective but you need to prioritise it long term to feel benefit and most teams cant/wont do that 
Paul Cockayne (EF)Yes OTF effective, no change.   
Colin Scott (DUM)Yes OTF effective, no change.  It is effective but not as effective as it could/should be 
James Tucker (RR)Yes OTF effective, no change.  Pricey, just need to prioritise it. 
Steve Turner (ALO)No, prefer to CP star player than OTF   
Josh Fitzgerald (INV)Change it: maybe 1CP to increase OTF   
Daniel Fitzgerald (ANN)Yes OTF effective, no change.   
Roy Rolsten (STI)Other: please specify what  Money gets spent on players more in SESL as both Sanc & OASL get 2 extra players for free  
Leon Permentier (DEV)Yes OTF effective, no change.   
Rob Lye (ROS)Yes OTF effective, no change.  Who won Div 1 ? ....DUMB with 10 OTF  
Paul Roseblade (AYR)Change it: maybe 1CP to increase OTF  It depends on the team and style they play. Some like it and use their CP on players some don't. Choice is theirs. Although I do think it is too high so 1CP to increase would be a better deal.  
Tyron Barnard (EST)Change it: maybe 1CP to increase OTF   
Dave Smyth (HEA)Yes OTF effective, no change.   
Mark Boland (DUU)Yes OTF effective, no change.   
Marc Legowski (CLY)Yes OTF effective, no change.   
James White (MON)No, prefer to CP star player than OTF  No change though  
Ricky Hawthorn (STE)Change it: maybe 1CP to increase OTF   
Simon Bijker (BRE)Change it: maybe 1CP to increase OTF  With higher OTFs might it bring in another dimension to teams' play?? 
Steve Gregory (COV)Yes OTF effective, no change.   
Lee Elkins (CB)Change it: maybe 1CP to increase OTF  Why not give it a try - not this season but next? 
Andy Shaw (FAL)Yes OTF effective, no change.   
Derek Purvis (BER)No, prefer to CP star player than OTF   
Matt Cooper (ALB)Change it: maybe 1CP to increase OTF   
Stephen Williams (PET)No, prefer to CP star player than OTF  It's effective, but I think people worry about what they can see in their squad SL - and star players are harder to come by here than in other leagues. For me, I mostly play EC, so it's no use.  
Raymond Cini (PT)Yes OTF effective, no change.  Half of SESL finished last season with 9 OTF or more.... 
David Campbell (KIL)Yes OTF effective, no change.   
Mark Creasey (STJ)Yes OTF effective, no change.   
John McCarthy (LIV)Change it: maybe 1CP to increase OTF   
Bill Ramsay (RAN)Change it: maybe 1CP to increase OTF   
William Bushby (EDI)Change it: maybe 1CP to increase OTF   

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