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Poll Results: Should all suspensions be cleared for the CECIL and SESL cup final, starting next season?
No, tough luck and chance you take23
Yes, RR sl36 GK suspended ruins Final5
Don't know, sitting on fence2

James Tucker (RR)Yes, RR sl36 GK suspended ruins Final  Perhaps the semi final 2nd leg and final should be considered just one session? He we was playing normal too. 
Josh Fitzgerald (INV)Don't know, sitting on fence  It should be reviewed by commish. If poor fortune then cleared.  
Leon Permentier (DEV)No, tough luck and chance you take  Otherwise you have to clear suspensions for crucial league games at the end of a season 
Andrew Foss-Grant (MOT)No, tough luck and chance you take  No way Jose That would open a large can of worms! 
Raymond Cini (CLY)No, tough luck and chance you take   
Colin Scott (DUM)No, tough luck and chance you take  We all have a back up. 
Willy Krosnyak (FOR)No, tough luck and chance you take   
Ricky Hawthorn (STE)No, tough luck and chance you take  I'm not bitter about the Semi final :) Genuinely think its part of the game 
Steve Gregory (COV)No, tough luck and chance you take   
Matthew White (SM)No, tough luck and chance you take  If we're going to start clearing suspensions, then we definitely need to give other teams not in final a couple EL back when they don't play. Still makes no sense that missing games means you miss both cash and the ability to rest players. How can you g 
Daniel Fitzgerald (ANN)Don't know, sitting on fence   
Mark Creasey (STJ)No, tough luck and chance you take   
Marc Legowski (PT)No, tough luck and chance you take  James has my utmost sympathy but hey, the trade window is still open!?  
Dave Smyth (HEA)No, tough luck and chance you take  What's the next step, setting all EL to 10? 
Andy Shaw (FAL)No, tough luck and chance you take   
Richard Burnett (NAI)No, tough luck and chance you take   
William Bushby (EDI)No, tough luck and chance you take   
Roy Rolsten (STI)No, tough luck and chance you take  Cantona sat out the 95 final vs Everton for using kungfu on a football pitch.  
David Campbell (KIL)Yes, RR sl36 GK suspended ruins Final  Cup Final should be Top11 v Top11, but no hope managers will vote for that. 
Matt Cooper (ALB)No, tough luck and chance you take   
Tyron Barnard (EST)Yes, RR sl36 GK suspended ruins Final   
Rob Lye (ROS)No, tough luck and chance you take   
Les Lithgo (HAM)No, tough luck and chance you take   
Stephen Williams (PET)No, tough luck and chance you take   
Derek Purvis (BER)Yes, RR sl36 GK suspended ruins Final   
Paul Roseblade (AYR)No, tough luck and chance you take   
Bill Ramsay (RAN)No, tough luck and chance you take  All part of the game.  
David Blair (HIB)No, tough luck and chance you take   
Bryce Kalmbach (QP)Yes, RR sl36 GK suspended ruins Final   
Mike Hernandez (CB)No, tough luck and chance you take   

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