| Ricky Hawthorn (STE) | Man Utd to finish in top 4 | |
| Leon Permentier (DEV) | Could not give a flying toss | The only time I watch Manu is if they get beat |
| Paul Cockayne (EF) | Man Utd to finish 5th or worse | |
| Rob Lye (ROS) | Man Utd to finish in top 4 | |
| Dave Smyth (HEA) | Man Utd to finish in top 2 | he did it before, everywhere, and he'll do it again. |
| Josh Fitzgerald (INV) | Man Utd to finish in top 4 | Too early to tell? He'll be in first 4 or implode and blame everyone else. He's a dick. |
| Andrew Foss-Grant (MOT) | Could not give a flying toss | Come to think of it why did I bother voting ? Schmuck |
| Bryce Kalmbach (QP) | Could not give a flying toss | |
| Tyron Barnard (EST) | Could not give a flying toss | |
| Bill Ramsay (RAN) | Man Utd to finish in top 4 | |
| Matthew White (SM) | Man Utd to finish 5th or worse | 20th at a total of 6 points. |
| Les Lithgo (HAM) | Man Utd to finish in top 4 | Relegation I hope for me, lol |
| Matt Cooper (ALB) | Man Utd to finish in top 4 | |
| James Tucker (RR) | Could not give a flying toss | |
| Steve Gregory (COV) | Could not give a flying toss | |
| Marc Legowski (PT) | Could not give a flying toss | |
| Paul Roseblade (AYR) | Man Utd to finish 5th or worse | Will depend on Spurs or another surprise package team doing the business. |
| Stephen Williams (PET) | Man Utd to finish in top 2 | |
| Derek Purvis (BER) | Man Utd to finish in top 4 | |
| Daniel Fitzgerald (ANN) | Man Utd to finish in top 4 | |
| Andy Shaw (FAL) | Man Utd to finish in top 4 | |
| Willy Krosnyak (FOR) | Man Utd to finish in top 2 | |
| William Bushby (EDI) | Man Utd to finish in top 2 | |
| John McCarthy (LIV) | Man Utd to finish in top 4 | |
| Cameron Archibald (ARB) | Could not give a flying toss | Signed some decent players but still can't see them really challenging. Don't particularly care though :) |
| James White (MON) | Man Utd to finish in top 4 | Has money to spend |
| Andrew McCumiskey (SRA) | Could not give a flying toss | Up the Villa!!!!! |
| Alan Bishop (COW) | Could not give a flying toss | |
| Fran Morillo (BRE) | Man Utd to finish 5th or worse | |
| Kevin Hull (AI) | Man Utd to finish in top 4 | Man City then Chelsea first |
| Arnold Yzermans (QOS) | Man Utd to finish in top 4 | |
| David Campbell (KIL) | Man Utd to finish in top 4 | if De Gea plays |
| David Blair (HIB) | Could not give a flying toss | |