| James Tucker (RR) | No way, no change. | You run the risk you take your chances |
| Ricky Hawthorn (STE) | Magic Sponge +40 EL for 400k | |
| Andy Shaw (FAL) | Magic Sponge +40 EL for 400k | |
| Bryce Kalmbach (QP) | Magic Sponge +40 EL for 400k | |
| Bill Ramsay (RAN) | No way, no change. | |
| Andrew McCumiskey (SRA) | No way, no change. | There's not one in real-life.... |
| Tapani Olkku (GM) | Magic Sponge +40 EL for 400k | An option few will use, but an added option. |
| Leon Permentier (DEV) | No way, no change. | |
| Tyron Barnard (EST) | Magic Sponge +40 EL for 400k | Although its luck of the draw |
| Matt Cooper (ALB) | No way, no change. | No why bother with injuries if we do this |
| Mark Boland (DUU) | No way, no change. | Is there somewhere in the world you can go, pay an extortionate amount of money and have a broken leg fixed in a day ? Thought not. |
| Andrew Foss-Grant (MOT) | No way, no change. | Pointless having injuries if you can buy your way out of a Broken Leg so NO NO NO NO |
| Rob Lye (ROS) | other (specify what and how much) | I would agree , but need to define "very Badly injured" |
| James White (MON) | No way, no change. | |
| Roy Rolsten (STI) | No way, no change. | |
| William Bushby (EDI) | No way, no change. | The game is designed to be a SQUAD game, therefore, as much as the injury is frustrating...it is also part of the game. |
| Lee Elkins (CB) | No way, no change. | Fielding players who are not fully fit runs the risk of a long-term injury. Nothing wrong with that |
| Paul Cockayne (EF) | No way, no change. | +80 ELs would mean a broken
Leg player could be back in 5 matches - very unrealistic. It works well for those who use it, so leave it alone. |
| Willy Krosnyak (FOR) | No way, no change. | |
| Colin Scott (DUM) | No way, no change. | |
| Matthew White (SM) | No way, no change. | Explained in blog |
| Dave Smyth (HEA) | other (specify what and how much) | Guess the +40 or +80 is a bit to much, maybe a +20 for 200k fits better (keeping it real). A broken leg will still be out for quite some time, but significantly shorter. |
| Kevin Hull (AI) | No way, no change. | This would lead to the termination of random injury. |
| Daniel Fitzgerald (ANN) | No way, no change. | |
| Alan Bishop (COW) | No way, no change. | |
| Marc Legowski (PT) | other (specify what and how much) | Take yer broken leg -96 and ram it!
Increase lower end exhaustions by 2 but -96 AND -1 SL???? Whit!? |
| John McCarthy (LIV) | No way, no change. | |
| Josh Fitzgerald (INV) | No way, no change. | |
| Raymond Cini (CLY) | other (specify what and how much) | Eliminate physio boost as an unrealistic element of the game. Otherwise, no change. |
| David Blair (HIB) | Magic Sponge +40 EL for 400k | |
| Cameron Archibald (ARB) | No way, no change. | Can't see the value in changing it. If it does change, think the cost needs to be higher. Otherwise you can buy your way out of trouble. |
| Stephen Williams (PET) | Magic Sponge +40 EL for 400k | |
| Derek Purvis (BER) | No way, no change. | |
| Arnold Yzermans (QOS) | No way, no change. | I voting to see result, but suspect its time for a different poll ! |