Match 37 Due Wed, May 22: 1500 GMT    
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Poll Results: What is best alternative to mid season aging skill loss?
No change, leave as it is27
Cap the PU max at 77
Cap the PU max at 52
Other (please specify)2

Roy Rolsten (STI)No change, leave as it is  just got a way to deal with msa, don't let me start all over on new strategies ;) No seriously, quite happy with the way things are now. 
Bill Ramsay (RAN)No change, leave as it is   
Tyron Barnard (EST)Cap the PU max at 5   
Steve Turner (ALO)Cap the PU max at 7   
Mike Hernandez (CB)No change, leave as it is   
Andrew Foss-Grant (MOT)No change, leave as it is  Why change? I dont like it but I certainly dislike those alternatives!. MSA is a part of OLMEC It's a pain but live with it! 
Andrew McCumiskey (SRA)Other (please specify)  EL loss for each match is age related, ie more for older players, youngsters recover quicker. Max PU per age, youngsters improve faster. Higher loss post-season. GKs loose less EL and SL the reflect real-life. 
Andy Shaw (FAL)Cap the PU max at 7  No change will likely win vote though! 
Derek Purvis (BER)No change, leave as it is   
Colin Scott (DUM)Cap the PU max at 7   
Daniel Roseblade (DFA)No change, leave as it is   
Dave Smyth (HEA)No change, leave as it is  I hate MSA but it effect everyone  
Matt Cooper (ALB)No change, leave as it is   
Raymond Cini (CLY)No change, leave as it is  Not broke...don't fix it. 
Josh Fitzgerald (INV)No change, leave as it is  Just had this debate in The Manager and i have to admit, I like it. It is another tactical consideration which needs careful planning...regardless of how unrealistic it is. 
Willy Krosnyak (FOR)No change, leave as it is   
Daniel Fitzgerald (ANN)No change, leave as it is   
Bill Nicholl (CEL)No change, leave as it is   
James Tucker (RR)No change, leave as it is   
Kevin Hull (AI)Cap the PU max at 7  No change seems reasonable too 
Mark Creasey (STJ)Cap the PU max at 7   
Fran Morillo (BRE)Cap the PU max at 7   
Matthew White (SM)Other (please specify)  Scrap it -- increase end of season ageing if necessary 
William Bushby (EDI)No change, leave as it is   
Cameron Archibald (ARB)No change, leave as it is  I have no problems with the current set up 
Rob Lye (ROS)No change, leave as it is   
Les Lithgo (HAM)No change, leave as it is   
Arnold Yzermans (QOS)No change, leave as it is  With MSA, you basically fit two seasons of development/skill decline into one. 
Marc Legowski (PT)No change, leave as it is  If it is not broke, you do not need to fix it! 
John McCarthy (LIV)No change, leave as it is   
Alon Atie (FRA)No change, leave as it is   
Paul Roseblade (AYR)No change, leave as it is   
Tapani Olkku (GM)No change, leave as it is  Leave as is,but love to see the 'other' posts, could be some intersting ideas here. I don't have one... 
Paul Cockayne (EF)Cap the PU max at 7  Anything - I hate MSA - it is not realistic, so any opportunity to swop it for an alternative, I'm game! 
David Blair (HIB)Cap the PU max at 5   
Bryce Kalmbach (QP)No change, leave as it is   
David Campbell (KIL)No change, leave as it is   
Mark Boland (DUU)No change, leave as it is   

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