England to win - HT/FT | 9 |
Draw - and HT/FT | 7 |
Italy to win - and HT/FT | 6 |
Rob Lye (AUS) | England to win - HT/FT | H/t 1-0 F/t 1-0 | |
Derek Purvis (SEA) | Draw - and HT/FT | Italy 1-0 at the half, going to agree with Robin's previous prediction and say a sterling dive, kane penalty for 1-1 at full time. Penalties, with England missing all of them. | |
Steve Turner (CLB) | Italy to win - and HT/FT | 1-1 2-1 Sterling will do all the work, other players will get all the credit (but that's just my opinion)... | |
Roy Rolsten (COL) | England to win - HT/FT | 0-0, 1-0 | |
Willy Krosnyak (INT) | England to win - HT/FT | 0-0/1-0 | |
Jason Dowson (CAR) | England to win - HT/FT | 1-0/2-1 | |
Stephen Williams (HOU) | Italy to win - and HT/FT | Any win, please. 0-0 FT, Italy on pens | |
Bryce Kalmbach (ATL) | Draw - and HT/FT | 0-0, 1-1 | |
Tyler Ponder (LAF) | England to win - HT/FT | 1-0/2-0 | |
James White (KCA) | Draw - and HT/FT | 0-0 0-0 | |
Andy Shaw (SJ) | England to win - HT/FT | 1-0 & 2-1. | |
David Blair Jnr (DCC) | England to win - HT/FT | 0-0ht 1-0ft | |
David Campbell Jnr (DIS) | Italy to win - and HT/FT | 1-0 / 2-0 | |
Steve Turner Jnr (REB) | Draw - and HT/FT | 5-5 |